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Alexis Bacon Composer



Past events


Feb. 6 Performance of Ötzi by Jeffery Allardyce at Musique21 Concert at Michigan State University

April 1 Performance of Ötzi by Brian Rodesch at NASA Biennial Conference, University of Southern Mississippi

April 15 Premiere of Arctic Zombies at SEAMUS Conference, Wayne State University. Also installation of Krashkan.

June 22 Installation of Krashkan at New Music Gathering, Portland, OR

Nov. 7 Performance of Maracatú by Bowling Green State University Percussion Ensemble

Nov. 16 Installation of Krashkan at New Music Forum, Turner-Dodge House, Lansing, MI.

Dec. 7 World premieres of Mina Loy's Futurist plays, at the Broad Art Museum, East Lansing, MI.

Dec. 8 Performance of Mina Loy's Futurist plays at Dance Studio, University of Michigan - Flint.


March 4 Brian Rodesch performed Ötzi at the Music by Women Festival, Mississipppi University for Women

March 25 Cameron Leach performed Ojibwe Song at TUTTI New Music Festival, Denison University, Granville, OH. 

April 7 Performance of Capriccio by musicians of the Lansing Symphony Orchestra, at the Robin, Lansing.

April 22 Premiere of Our Lady of Radium: A Requiem for Marie Curie, by Mosaic, conducted by Sandra Snow. Fairchild Theatre, MSU.

April 23 Malina Rauschenfels performed Alba on a rooftop concert, Mérida, Mexico.

May 3-4 Premiere of BranchOut, a multidisciplinary project involving dance, music, apparel design, paper making, forestry, and augmented reality, at the MSU Horticultural Gardens, East Lansing, MI.

June 3 Performance of Crossroads by Elena Ross at LunArt Festival in Madison, Wisconsin, as result of 2020 International Call for Scores.

July 27 Premiere of "I Am I Plus My Surroundings," for Bassoon and Interactive Electronics, by Lia Uribe, at the IDRS (International Double Reed Society) conference in Boulder, CO.

October 15 Brian Rodesch performed Ötzi at the American Single Reed Summit, University of South Carolina - Columbia


October 22 Navona release of Modern Muses by Soprano Josefien Stoppelenberg and cellist Jean Hatmaker, including  Alba. Distributed by Naxos. You can hear their beautiful interpretation here.

October 20 PfMENTUM release of  Alex Smith's CD Determined Volumes including Crossroads.

July 1 Alison Dobbins and I presented Krashkan at Opera Hack 2.0, sponsored by the San Diego Opera. 

June 15 Release of  Adjective New Music podcast Lexical Tones, Episode 164, interview with Robert McClure. Available here

April 23 Alison Dobbins, Clarence Nanamori, and I presented a workshop on our current project Krashkan at the 2021 SEAMUS (Society for ElectroAcoustic Music in the United States) National Conference

April 16 Mezzo Soprano Alta Dantzler and I presented a video performance of my work "Tea in the Sahara" from "The Sheltering Sky" at the virtual College Music Society Regional Conference. Video here.


February 14 Release of interview by Tony Lanman for One Track Podcast, about  "Yodeling Song." Listen here.

February 13 Performance of Cradle by Drew Whiting, Saxophone, at Circuit Bridges Festival.


March 9 Shelter for youth chorus (SSA+Piano) was commissioned by the Detroit Composers Project for One Voice. Premiere was originally scheduled for Spring 2020, will be rescheduled TBA.


March 16 Crossroads was a winner of the 2020 LunArt Call for Scores. It will be performed at the rescheduled LunArt Festival, details TBA.

March 20 Ötzi was released on Innova Album In Lights Starkly Different by Drew Whiting.


July 2 The Witches of Vardø for solo violin was one of four winners of Luciano Casalino's international call for scores. He recorded it and released it online in 2021.

December 19 Performance of Ötzi by Drew Whiting, Saxophone, at Circuit Bridges Festival. 


November 15 Tasha Warren performed In the Foreign Land, MSU, East Lansing, MI

November 9 Brad Meyer performed Ojibwe Song at the Third Practice Electroacoustic Music Festival, University of Richmond, VA

November 2 Robert Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, Berkeley, CA

November 1 Robert Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø at Old First Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, CA

September 28 Great Noise Ensemble performed Fantasia Armorial at West Fork New Music Festival, Fairmont, WV

September 7 Drew Whiting performed Ötzi at Electronic Music Midwest, Kansas City, KS

August 2 Stephanie Griffin Violist performed Bossa Nova and Samba de Morro, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

June 22 Malina Rauschenfels Singing cellist performed Alba, Pittsburgh, PA

June 14-15 Performances of Shark: The Interactive Musical at Science Gallery Detroit


April 20 Perker Piedmont and Harrison Storm performed Play at University of Idaho

April 7 Screening of Terra Blue at Body and Camera 2019, Chicago Cultural Center


April 6 Performance of Language and Music, presented by FUSE Ensemble, St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C.

April 5 Performance of Language and Music, presented by FUSE Ensemble, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

April 4-6 Performances of Shark: The Interactive Musical at Studio Theatre, MSU, East Lansing, MI

March 31 Jarod Bendele performed Ojibwe Song, University of Minnesota


March 31 Duo Corcra performed Play, Ohio State University

March 24 Malina Rauschenfels performed Alba, Allegheny Riverstone Center for the Arts, Foxburg, PA

March 15 Eric Troiano and Lia Uribe performed Play, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AK

March 10 Robert Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 at Society of the Cincinnati, Washington, D.C.

March 1 Performance of Sambachoreographed, Alma College Dance at American College Dance Society Regional Conference, Wittenberg, OH

February 25 Caleb Shannon performed Ötzi at MSU, East Lansing, MI

February 4 Gregory Oakes premiered In the Foreign Land, Constellation, Chicago


January 29 Duo Corcra performed Play, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


January 28 Eric Troiano and Lia Uribe performed Play, University of Arkansas


January 12 Occhiolism Quartet performed Capriccio at International Navy Band Saxophone Symposium, George Mason University, VA


January 11 Adam Briggs performed Cradle at International Navy Band Saxophone Symposium, George Mason University, VA

January 6 Malina Rauschenfels performed Alba at Cello Springs Festival, Yellow Springs, OH


November 10 Talk on “Electroacoustic Music and Vanishing American Oral Traditions” at SPLICE Festival, Bowling Green State University


November 10  Andrew Spencer performed Ojibwe Song at SPLICE Festival, Bowling Green State University


November 5 Will Marchetti performed Play at Michigan State University.

October 27 Duo Corcra performed Play at Truman State University


October 20 Fifth Wave Collective performed Capriccio at DePaul University.


October 17 Terra Blue film screening at Wicklow Screendance Laboratory, Wicklow, Scotland


October 16 Ian Jeffress performed Ötzi in faculty recital at Western Carolina University


October 10 Andrew Spencer performed Ojibwe Song and Caleb Shannon performed Cradle at Oakland University, Rochester, MI


October 5-7 Terra Blue film screening at Mana Contemporary Festival, Chicago, IL


September 14 Lightning Talk on “The Future of Digital Learning” at The Hub, Michigan State University


September 14 Terra Blue screening at Sans Souri Festival, Boulder, CO


September 5 Adam Briggs performed Cradle in guest artist recital at Arizona State University


August 1 Malina Rauschenfels performed Alba at Waterloo New Music Sessions, Waterloo, Canada.


July 27 Robert Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø at the Center for New Music, San Francisco, CA.


June 29 Duo Corcra performed Play at Taneycomo Music Festival in Branson, MO.


June 25 Malina Rauschenfels premiered Alba at Montreal Contemporary Music Sessions.


June 12 Refugee Orchestra Project with Lidiya Yankovskaya premiered Excellent Sheep at National Sawdust. Piece was commissioned as result of Honorable Mention in inaugural Hildegard Competition.


May 26 Terra Blue screening at ARTWALK in Decatur Film Festival, Decatur, GA.


May 6 Joe Miller performed Ojibwe Song at Morehead State University.


April 27 Robert Simonds performed The Witches of Vardø at Indiana University Southeast.


April 20-21 Workshop performances of Shark: The Musical at Georgia State University


April 2 Robert Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø in Louisville, broadcast live on WUOL LIVE

March 27 Brianna Matzke performed Toccata Batucada at Wilmington College.


March 25 Orchesis Dance Ensemble performed choreography to Maculelê Revisited, choreographed by Rosely Conz.


March 17 Malina Rauschenfels and Alexis Bacon performed The Sheltering Sky at Ball State University Festival of New Music


March 10 Duo Corcra performed Play at North American Saxophone Alliance conference in Cincinnati, OH.


March 9  Matthew Tracy performed Cradle at North American Saxophone Alliance conference in Cincinnati, OH.


March 8 Brianna Matzke performed Suite for Piano and Toccata Batucada on the Salon 21 Concert Series, Weston Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH.


March 3 Matthew Tracy performed Cradle at Music by Women Festival at Mississippi University for Women.


March 2 Malina Rauschenfels and Alexis Bacon performed The Sheltering Sky at Music by Women Festival at Mississippi University for Women.


February 23 Stephen Fleming performed Ojibwe Song on graduate recital at Penn State University.


February 22 The Bro-Fowler Duo performed Fantasia Armorial on faculty recital at Indiana State University.


February 13 Drew Hosler performed Ötzi at Bowling Green State University.


February 10 Brad Meyer performed Ojibwe Song on Electroacoustic Barn Dance, Jacksonville University.


February 7 Duo Corcra performed Play at Michigan State University.


January 26-28 Orchesis Dance Ensemble performed Maculelê Revisited at MSU. Choreographed by Rosely Conz.


January 27 Wilson Poffenberger performed Ötzi on SPLICE festival at Western Michigan University.


January 19 Andrew Spencer performed Ojibwe Song on guest artist recital at Wayne State

January 19-20 Terra Blue screening at Women in Dance Leadership Conference, New York.


January 18 Lia Uribe and Eric Troiano performed Play on faculty recital at University of Arkansas.


January 12 Wilson Poffenberger performed Ötzi at International Navy Band Saxophone Symposium at George Mason University.


November 29 Matthew Tracy performed Cradle on faculty recital at Southwestern Oklahoma State University.


November 28 Malina Rauschenfels and Alexis Bacon performed “The Earth’s Sharp Edge” from “The Sheltering Sky” on Ann Arbor SongSlam, Kerrytown Concert House.


November 12 Matthew Tracy performed Cradle on guest artist recital at West Texas A&M University.


November 10-12 Performance of choreographed works for dance at Alma College: “Samba” and “Maculelê Revisited.” Choreographed by Rosely Conz.


November 6 Rob Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø on guest artist recital at the University of Indianapolis.


October 28 Brad Meyer performed Ojibwe Song at the College Music Society National Conference in San Antonio, TX.


October 19 Brad Meyer performed Ojibwe Song at the University of Tennessee Contemporary Music Festival.


October 16 PRISM Saxophone Quartet performed Capriccio at First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor.


October 14 PRISM Saxophone Quartet performed Capriccio at Western Michigan University.


October 3 Rob Simonds performed Meditation No. 1 and The Witches of Vardø on guest artist recital at Michigan State University.


October 1 Duo Corcra performed Play on faculty recital at Hope College, Holland, MI.


September 22 Drew Whiting performed Ötzi on faculty recital at University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.

August 14 Alex Smith performed Crossroads on faculty showcase concert at University of Central Missouri

August 1 Violinist Robert Simonds performed Meditation, King's Chapel, Boston, MA


July 30 Violinist Robert Simonds performed Meditation St. Andrew’s By the Sea Episcopal Church, Rye Beach, NH


July 28  Violinist Robert Simonds performed Meditation at The Cannery at South Penobscot, Penobscot, ME


July 26 Violinist Robert Simonds performed Meditation at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Saco and Biddeford, Saco,                             ME


June 24 Percussionist Brad Meyer performed Ojibwe Song at the New York City Electronic Music Festival.

June 23 Bassoonist Jeffrey Keesecker performed Sonata for Bassoon and Piano at the International Double Reed Society conference in Appleton, WI.


June 13 Saxophonist Wilson Poffenberger premiered Ötzi at the Fondation des États-Unis in Paris, France.


May 11-13 I participated in two events at the New Music Gathering in Bowling Green with my MSU colleague Lyn                                  Goeringer: a viola-theremin improv/demonstration, and a panel on electronic music.


April 28 Caleb Shannon performed Cradle in his doctoral recital at the Community Music School, East Lansing, MI. 


April 24 Caleb Shannon, under the direction of Dustin Barr and Musique 21, performed Cradle, Fairchild Theatre, MSU,                                  East Lansing, MI. 


April 18 Beaumont Brass Quintet performed Capriccio at Martin Luther Chapel, East Lansing, MI. 


April 2 Nathaniel Gworek performed Ojibwe Song at the Women Composer’s Festival of Hartford, Charter Oak Cultural Center.


April 1  Percussionist Alex Smith performed Crossroads for solo pandeiro at MSU.


March 11 Saxophonist Rick Firestone performed Cradle at the NASA Region VI Conference in Valdosta, GA.


March 4  Saxophonist Adam Briggs performed Cradle at the Region V NASA Conference in Ft. Wayne, IN.


January 17 Percussionist Brad Meyer premiered Ojibwe Song, for percussion and fixed media at Stephen F. Austin State                                University.


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